Brooklyn's Emani Parsons on Vegan Nutrition, Overall Health & Wellness

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Who: Emani Parsons of Brooklyn, NY

Where to find Emani: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Website

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about Nutrition, Plant-based baking, and Zumba.

How does your passion serve your purpose?

My passions have led me to my purpose in life. I created Vegan Mani, LLC to empower and educate others about the plant-based lifestyle and provide nutrition, Zumba, and baking services. Being vegan has allowed me to see the world in a different light, develop more compassion, and gain an eagerness to share healthy eating with others.

Since this COVID-19 pandemic started, what are some ways you’ve been able to keep your peace & avoid ‘freaking out”?

I listen to music and podcast often, schedule FaceTime sessions with friends, and attend virtual events.

Are you working on any interesting projects? Please share them & how the Awomi Tribe can support.

Currently, I’m working on a lot of resources for individuals on their nutrition journey such as nutrition videos on different topics and plant-based recipes. A lot of these resources will be posted on my social media channels and website.

The Awomi tribe can support by:

How did you find out about Awomi Naturals?

I found out about Awomi Naturals at a Pop Up shop in Harlem. After trying their products I fell in love!

If you could only have 1 Awomi Naturals item for the rest of the year which one would you choose & why?

I would go with the Kemi Herbal Face Wash! It feels absolutely amazing on my face, removes pimples and dark spots and it leaves my skin glowing. It’s an amazing natural product that goes above and beyond!

Learn more about Emani & her vegan resources & recipes, visit